Are you a designer who likes to go naughty from time to time? If yes, MiKandi has a cool contest for you. Since 18+ is one of their top categories, they launched an adult game art contest where you can win yourself some nice money prizes. Total cash prize: $1500. Organizers say, there is no better way to inspire each other but through a sexy contest.
There are five categories: Best overall game cover, Most compelling original game character, Funniest game cover, Best XXX parody cover and Best retro style cover.
Rules are very simple: Anyone wanting to participate must create a cover art/poster for a game that has not been released yet. Even if you already have a game in the works and has not been publish anywhere yet, this is a great promotional opportunity for you. You can take a peek at two entries below.
Art creator of the next adult game by MiKandi should also include a compelling tittle of the game on the cover. Like StarFuxx – Pleasure Planet and Serious Zan to name a couple.
All entries will be judged by four judges. Including, MiKandi co-funders Jesse Adams and Jen McEwen along with users, Hizzacked and AnimeFlux.
There is still a whole lot of time left to enter the contest. FYI: contest closes October 31, 2015.
Have in mind, the only way you will convince judges with your adult game art submission is to think “I need this game in my life!” way.
For everyone who ever dreamt about creating a game for the adults, use your imagination now and go to work. Create characters you want to showcase through a game concept, add a persuasive tittle and you are good to go.

Two MiKandi adult game art contest entries:

Wanted: Pervert
wanted pervert
Super Smash Hoes
super smash hoes
For full adult game art contest rules, how to enter and prizes, head over to adult oriented art site, Hentai Foundry.