Seeing pretty much every type of porn possible, I don’t know if there’s any out there that would make me scream, giggle or go numb. But when it comes to Korean girls watching American porn, they experience all the mentioned and more. Still, some of the babes do admit they love watching porn. And that’s exactly what I needed to hear today. An Asian girl admitting she likes watching porn. We need more of such women out there. “This is hot. HOT STUFF.”
To warm them up and prepare them for the action, they first show these adorable Korean girls a photo of Peta Jensen. “What do you think her occupation would be?” goes the question. “Porn model,” shoots one of the girls. The other says, “I might say action movie actor.” At the end, they all come up with porn model. However, when it comes to guessing her age, they find her quite old. Come on, she does not look that old!
Finally, the action begins and, without guessing much, you already know how will Korean girls’ reactions to American porn look like. As the title writes, it gets giggly as fuck. Not only that, they are in shock, watching American porn does not make them aroused and, knowing they have not seen a girl squirt nor do anal before, says enough. Furthermore, they find American porn made mainly for the male audience. “I think western porn is targeted at men, mostly. Asian porn is very caring to the women, but western porn has no respect whatsoever.”
After Peta gets fucked anally, squirts and swallows, the girl in jacket goes, “She’s gonna lose some weight that way. Pretty nice diet.” Then a shock, “Definitely not for children’s eyes.” WTF?! Why would you even say something like this? Of course it’s not!
Now I’m going to hunt down the porn these Korean girls watch – you know, for research.

And because you definitely want to watch Korean guys’ reaction to American porn, here you go. You are welcome.

Videos by MooMooTV.

Have you seen how Asian girls react to Asian porn?