Imagine being James Deen. You would be living the life having so much sex with so many beautiful women. Seriously, try really hard imagining this scene because I believe you aren’t putting enough effort into it. Did it happen, are you in the role of James Deen? Good. Now lets together go to the “bad” part of being a pornstar. Ever wondered what are some of male pornstar problems? This question never occurred to me, but with BuzzFeed’s and James Deen’s help now I know.
What happens when pornstar comes to the bank to make a deposit? Or he goes to lawyer’s office to talk about starting an LLC? What about when visiting doctor due to a mole on his back? Everything ends with, well, you know where I am aiming to. And then, after a rough day of all these weird experiences with people, he comes home to his girlfriend. One of the biggest male pornstar problems is about to happen. He gets horny, but his girl is too busy watching House Of Cards and gets rejected. Damn, from all those offers, at the end of the day girl is the one not feeling it.
It would be annoying if these male pornstar problems would actually be really happening in a day to day life of a pornstar.

You can never go wrong with some fun comments from the webz:
– “Is that really how this dude’s life works or…? Cuz seriously sign me the eff up.”
– “He is adorable! I can’t imagine him doing porn.”
– “Is it weird that I REALLY like his porn?”
– “James who? My, I have no idea who this person is, or what this skit is about. Absolutely no clue, whatsoever. None.”
– “I love how the lady had to finish her yoghurt first, LMFAO.”

(P.S. James Deen, you should seriously need to consider starting a mainstream acting career too. This “Male Pornstar Problems” video is beyond awesome and hilarious.)