Two things about myself that are hard to believe: 1. I don’t watch Netflix and 2. I don’t watch television, at all. There probably aren’t many of our species out there. This being said, the chart above about Americans shocks me. According to a new study, made by TDG Research, there are only “two” things Americans do more often than watching Netflix. Sleeping does not count.
Study found that an average American watches 90 minutes of on-demand-online-streaming-media giant per day. That is more than time spend for eating, childcare and even personal care among all the rest daily obligations. Pardon my French, but this is both sad and wrong. Come on, don’t you have anything better to do? Like, just for example, you know, watching beautiful women, naked and in action having sex on PornTube? Not only does this make you rest your eyes, it is also a workout. Start fapping with both hands for better results. Plus, you are constantly doing all sorts of researches so it’s studying as well. So many pros.
I know it is easier watching Netflix for 90 minutes a day than having sex for 90 minutes a day. That is a fact and don’t be brave saying you can because, let make something clear right now, you can’t. An average person has sex for 7.3 minutes per intercourse and he or she does it 90 times per year. That makes it a good two minutes per day, what is nothing in comparison to 90 minutes.
All in all, Americans don’t really like Netflix more than having sex (at least I hope so!) but the findings are insane. Also, if the research would also study the use of social media separately, I believe the title of this article would be different.
The problem is, if you combine the amount of time one watches television, spends on social media and watches cute pets on YouTube, it gets really horrifying.
Start spending more quality time in the bed with your partner or fuck friends, people!