Are you any good at telling it’s a lady or a gent only by performing an ass grab?

I am guessing everyone’s reaction to this question is, “Do you have me for a noob, of course I can!” But is it really that easy to differ woman from a man only by performing an ass grab. Would you, in reality, really succeed each time when grabbing a person’s ass, telling it’s a he or a she? Most certainly you would not. Sorry, that’s just the plain old truth.
Humans at Distractify did a little test on people finding out how good of an ass detector are they. It turned out, guys aren’t that good at guessing if it was a lady or a gentleman only by touching their bottoms. Girls, on the other hand, have a much better sense for asses, I guess. Or did these women grab way more arses in their lives than men did. Who knows? Blondy sure did not (or is she no telling the truth?). Anyhow, I honestly believe, being blindfolded, it is not the easiest of way to guess the difference between a girl or a guy only by doing an ass grab. I haven’t done any of these games yet, but I believe it’s a combination of experiences and luck to become a winner of such competition. This just made me thinking, this “ass detector” game would be a great drinking game. Just saying.
Talking about grabbing an ass, do these people even know how to properly grab it? Aside from two, I highly doubt it. How can you even guess if it’s a woman or a man if you only pinch or lightly tap one’s ass? I know I would fail having this kind of approach. Looks like someone would first need to teach you how to properly perform an ass grab. You know, to expand your general knowledge, that’s all.

A few comments from the webz:
– “Most awkward boner ever…”
– “OK, this is starting to become Japan.”
– “This puts me in the mood to watch twerking clips.”