With kGoal Boost you can play games to improve your sexual health while no one knows about it.

So, you think Kegel exercises are only for women? Wrong. Men can benefit from Kegels as well. Studies found that men with strong pelvic floor muscles have better control over erections and bladder and overall higher core strength.
How one actually does Kegel exercises? It’s pretty simple. Do the following at the same time: imagine yourself holding in your fart and stopping the flow of urine when pissing. Got it? That’s called a Kegel rep.
The problem that occurs is that, yes, you can do these exercises on your own, but it’s just that you don’t know if you are doing them correctly. Plus, you can easily forget about the “pissfart stop move.” Not to mention these exercises being quite boring.
This is why people behind Minna Life decided to make a device that will help you out with your Kegels. It was last year when they successfully launched kGoal, a Kegel exercise device for women. And it is this year when they aim to help men strengthen their pelvic muscles with the kGoal Boost.
It’s a small, rubber-ish device, that you sit on it, connect to your phone and start exercising. Before you begin, you first need to calibrate it and from then on you can choose between a 5-minute game or a workout. You read that right, you can play games that are controlled by flexing your pelvic floor muscles. How awesome is that? Being at work and no one even knows you are playing games.
In short, kGoal Boost is a small, portable device that you can use wherever you want, hands-free, to do Kegel exercises. You can also set reminders in the app, so you will never again forget about your health below the belt. In case you started wondering, no, you do not need to go naked. You can use kGoal Boost with your pants on.
Support the project and help them raise $100,000 on Kickstarter.

“Do it for yourself, or do it for your partner.”