That’s right, no more time consuming trips to massage parlors. No more guessing the right password on the entrance to a Nuru massage salon to get in. From now on, just like “Hello pizza,” you can order yourself a Nuru massage straight to your home. The husband-wife team aka Mr. Nori’s Magic Gel teamed up with Danish businessman, Bjarne Storgaard, to bring its first Nuru Mobile service to Danish people. You read correct. You call and they come, just like that. However, it won’t be smelling of pizza, but probably of smoking hot lady, wearing a bikini and ready to give you the most slippery massage ever. Are there happy endings included? No one is talking about those, but if there are, I’ll probably book a trip to Denmark very soon.
The Nuru Mobile service is already driving on the streets of Denmark in form of Opel Zafira covered with stickers, showcasing a couple performing Nuru massage. Through this service Mr. Nori’s Magic Gel aims to bring enjoyment and privacy straight to customers’ homes. Question: How much privacy will there actually be when your neighbours will see a Nuru car parked on your driveway? Wouldn’t this be slightly awkward? Or maybe this Opel Zafira serves just to spread the name out there and the actual Nuru Mobile vehicle is more stylish and tasteful. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying there is something wrong with the car, but those gigantic (unpleasant) stickers… who would like to see a car like that parked on his or hers driveway? I am not really a person who cares much about what others say (about me), but damn, the whole city would probably start talking about the “Hello Nuru,” I ordered myself. Then again, who cares, at least I am having some fun so puck off!
I would love to have a Nuru Mobile service available in my country. Notice (again): Get yourself a more stylish and professional car, van or whatever. To bring intimacy and privacy to the next level.

Here’s a touch of Nuru massage to make you start salivating:

And now the proper way how you perform the massage with Asa Akira:

Asa Akira Nuru Massage – PornTube ®.com