Since many still have some weird ass believes about sex workers and their work, legal brothel worker, Sarah Greenmore, demolished some of the biggest misconceptions.
Sarah works at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada for a year and a half now. In this period she learned a hell lot about psychology, relationships and sexuality. Her work does not consist only of entertaining customers. She does customer service, marketing and all bunch of other stuff as well. The thing is, in her quite short career Sarah Greenmore learned that general public doesn’t get the sex work. “I’m a broken, disease-spreading woman who hates her job? That’s news to me…”
To help enlighten people about sex work, Sarah went deep on Independent by sharing her take on five of the biggest misconceptions about sex work.
Many believe that sex work is lazy and easy. If 12-14 hour shift every day sounds lazy and easy to you, then you are probably an alien. Sarah’s daily obligations consist of checking emails, keeping her fans entertained on four of her social media accounts, posting on multiple industry message boards and a whole lot more. And all this before sex even begins.

“If our bodies aren’t in top shape, we can’t pay our bills”- Sarah Greenmore

Many think sex workers spread disease, however, all legal sex workers have mandatory STD testing once a week. To make long story short, they know way more about their health than you are about yours.
If desperate dudes, creeps and losers are the one visiting sex workers in your eyes, boy, you are wrong. According to Sarah Greenmore, business men, lawyers, overworked professionals and even middle-aged couples all visit brothels to have some fun.
Sarah also talks about two more huge misconceptions, (1) sex workers are broken and (2) they hate their jobs. None of this is correct. “We are human beings, who for many different reasons, but one main one – to provide for ourselves – have chosen sex work as our occupation.”
As Sarah Greenmore describes it, sex work is a valuable and desired service and will always exist.

Give Sarah a follow on Twitter and say what’s up. Plus, learn a thing or three more about her and her job by reading AMA interview she did on reddit.

“What’s the most tiring part of this job? Riding cowgirl after leg day.”