“America is actually fine with tits, it’s nipples they don’t like.”- Miley Cyrus

If one knows how to surprise in public, then it is no other than Miley Cyrus who is the boss of it. We have already seen so much topless Miley Cyrus photos or close to topless that it is getting a bit ridiculous. If not for the nipple pasties or being fully topless, then it’s for the outrageous outfits she wears what’s keeping her one of a kind. She just knows how to shock us and make our hearts stop beating for a sec. It seems it will never stop. Actually, one day she went to a nude beach and seeing what gravity does to your body when you grow older wasn’t really appealing to her. However, that does not mean there will not be any topless Miley Cyrus anymore when she gets older. At least that’s what she says. This whole nude vegan game she is currently into might keep her in some ridiculously good shape for a long time. But only time will tell.
She recently appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show and as you can see, she went almost topless. Not really big of a deal for Miley. She enjoys being naked or nearly naked. Not to mention being very eco friendly this way and saving lots of money buying hilarious pasties on Hollywood Boulevard for a dollar per 4-pack. How needs bras and tops anyway?

There is no such thing as being surprised seeing topless Miley Cyrus (anymore).

Being very comfortable with nudity and being topless, Miley learned one very important thing. It is not the human breasts that people have issue with, says Miley, it’s the nipple. “America is actually fine with tits, it’s nipples they don’t like,” explains topless Miley Cyrus. Well, Miley, we at PornTube allow as much or as little nipple as you want so any time you would like to join us, we would welcome you open handed. Like, we would extend our hands so wide only three people would be needed to hug a giant sequoia.
During the show, nearly topless Miley Cyrus also shares a funny story about her meeting Paul McCartney. She was feeling very nervous talking to Paul but the moment she saw him not knowing how to talk to her for her, well, being her, made her very comfortable. You see, having tits out works with anyone.

P.S. Is it just me or is Miley’s voice super attractive?