We sleep for approximately one third of our life. Some need more sleep and some need less sleep. We all know the feeling when missing several hours of sleep. It sucks. We are unfocused, our appetite changes (greediness), sometimes we feel cold and to no surprise, we are missing on sex without even knowing it. Why not? Because no one told us that more sleep means more sex yet. Until now.
A study was made by scientists at the Michigan University’s Sleep and Circadian Research Lab to find out how sleep is affecting our sex life. Could this really be the first ever study of this kind? Sounds kinda impossible, but lets say we believe them. There were 171 college-aged girls involved in the study and it lasted for only fourteen days. Nothing was measured in laboratories, instead, lasses kept journals which they later handed over to scientists. With a study like this it can not be 100% proven that more sleep is leading to more sex. However, they found out that girls who were on average sleeping 7 hours and 22 minutes were witnessing a greater level of physical arousal. After combining all the numbers and journals, scientists reported that with each additional hour of sleep your chances of getting a hook up the next day are, impressively, 14% greater. My calculations: Lets say you sleep six hours a day. With this amount of time you get zero more chances for a hook up the next day. Then you add 2 more hours of sleep and your hook up luck increases for 28%. People, start sleeping 8 hours a day, not only will you loose weight, you will also have way more sex. And then everyone started sleeping for eight hours a day.
If this is really the first study ever made on this topic, I am sure a lot more will be done in the coming months/years. At least do a research involving men only. How can you even dare leaving us out? We men would also not mind having more sex in our lives. Study us!