Have you ever wondered how future sex will look like amongst humans? If you are like me, your answer is no. I don’t really try to guess nor predict how future will look like. I am having enough fun today, right now and I really don’t want to think about what will (sex) world look like in 10, 20, 30 years.
That’s what futurologists like Dr. Ian Pearson are for. OK, it is kind of obvious that sex in the future will have something to do with virtual reality and sex robots. I personally only hope it will serve for spicing things up between parters and will not replace actual humans. Fuck, I don’t wanna fall in love with a robot!

Let’s make sure future sex will not be too robotic and tech-driven!

We all know VR (porn) and sex robots will be a big thing in the future. According to Dr. Ian, in just 10 years people will be able to have sex with robots. Honestly said, that’s not much of a news. However, (hold tight for this one!) Ian’s prediction says that having sex with robots may become more popular than making love between humans in 2050. What?! That’s crazy and I seriously hope something like this will NOT happen. George Zarkadakis even said/predicted, “Humans could even breed with machines to create new hybrid species.” No way, I am not buying this shit! (I just started wondering what my future-me will think about myself after looking back at this post.)
A report on future sex and such by Dr. Pearson also writes (what Ian believes!) that by the year of 2030 most humans will have some sort of virtual reality sex, using VR headsets. Will that be using lightweight glasses or “active” lenses with “active” skin (whatever this may be)? Let time do the work. There’s even a discussion about sending orgasms via messages, linking your dream sex to other partners and stimulating orgasms by the touch of an icon (using apps and sex toys).
All these future sex predictions which include human-like robots and VR will first be extremely expensive and available only to wealthy individuals or couples. Matt McMullen’s, founder of RealDoll, future plan is to create a full sex robot which will cost somewhere between $30,000 and $60,000. And I believe sex robots Dr. Ian Pearson predicts for the future will cost way more.
For more (black and scary) stuff and predictions about the future sex take a trip over to Daily Mail.