First to clear some things out. It took me a while before I finally decided to share Selena Gomez’s new “Good For You” music video. Yeah, yeah, I know, she looks cute, she has a nice pair of boobs and that oversized white T-shirt fits her perfectly. Oh, and she is braless. Not to mention she is completely naked, taking a shower (well of course, how else you take a shower?). Yes, Selena Gomez is good for you. The thing is, all these music videos from female music celebrities are all about the nude battle. Some are doing it more and some less but at the end, it seems all are doing it and, girls, it’s getting a bit boring. Either show it all and post your next, success-guaranteed, video on PornTube, or you figure out something else to entertain us. I am not saying you need to stop doing it (hell no!), it’s just that before even pressing the play button, you know what will happen. The same story over and over again. Do something new. Shock us. Do something so crazy you will shut our mouths. Now that’s just a friendly advice from me to you. Get creative. (Hint: A full dress-like body paint job may do the trick.)
That said, this new video, Selena Gomez released, shows quite a lot of Selena and it’s a real teaser. As already said, her breasts are “wowza” and her nips are poking out, trying to rip that white shirt, perfectly. Go watch it now and take a tissue paper – you might start salivating a little too much.
A bit of honesty here: I barely remember what Selena Gomez is singing about, so I think I’d need to give it another watch. To focus myself on the singing part and not on the nips part.